Here, we’re big fans of founders – entrepreneurs who learn by doing and bring fresh, new ideas and experiences into the world. So, when a NYC shoe designer with decades of first-hand knowledge talks about the the critical role of a mission statement as a business tool, we listen.
According to Faryl Robin Morse, owner of Faryl Robin footwear, a brand mission statement isn’t a nice-to-have. It’s a must. But not for the reason(s) you might think. Here’s what wrote when she reflected on how her brand mission has impacted her business over the decades.
“There were times I wasn’t sure my business would survive. We have faced 2 recessions & a pandemic… There have been more tough decisions than I can count, but our mission statement served as a North Star, helping us navigate even on the darkest days.”
(via LinkedIn)
Recently, she talked more about this with Joelly Goodson on the Branding Matters podcast. (I recommend you give the episode a listen here.)
It’s true: customers want to buy from brands that share their values. But that’s not the full story!
Yes, tools like a mission statement, brand vision, and a brand manifesto can be immensely valuable in connecting with consumers and cultivating loyalty.
Here’s the bonus, though: Having a differentiated, clear brand to serve as a North Star helps founders:
As Faryl says in this interview: All companies – even B2B or private label! – should have a mission statement, and it needs to be a cause and vision bigger than what you do. (And, I’d add: bigger than what you sell.)
If you feel like your business has “multiple personalities,” is chaotically changing directions (rather than intentionally growing and evolving from its core), isn’t differentiated from the competition, or is selling on function versus connecting with emotion… it’s time for a brand tune-up.
As you can see from Faryl’s post, it’s not just a nice-to-have.